1-2-1 Support

1-2-1 is provided by a dedicated support worker to enable residents to become more motivated and successful in pursuit of their interests and the completion of tasks, by way of helping them successfully move beyond Wytham Hall and to get on with their lives.

Working with clients requires that a level of trust is achieved and much work has taken place to ensure that they have become a part of the team and is known as such by the residents.

They work alongside our staff to ensure continuity of support. Often, given the time constraints placed on the key workers, there is not always the time to provide such intense one-to-one support as is offered by them. They are also able to maintain focus on the task until a solution is achieved.

They can help residents through a change in their lives, to plan for a trip, to look for volunteering opportunities, to manage any risk-taking, working through any blocks to their success, making efficient use of their time, managing new, often intimidating, experiences and so much more.

The support is task or goal driven and is often the result of an assessment of a resident’s need. The support is informal, often unstructured, relaxed and is resident directed. If required refresher sessions can be offered and regular reviews are offered.

Residents will through discussion or self-realisation have identified a need; willing to work through to completion of a task or goal; be willing to attend support sessions weekly or bi-weekly; be willing to be supported in this manner; i.e. intense 1-2-1 support; and be willing to use the skills learned.

Support could be offered in the following areas for example:


  • Achieving an ambition
  • Developing a daily/weekly routine
  • Completing realistic goals
  • Generating resilience
  • Creating an efficient use of time
  • Developing skills and interests
  • Remaining focussed


  • Supporting a period of change
  • Managed risk-taking
  • Managing new experiences
  • Overcoming social challenges
  • Overcoming a problem
  • Preventing procrastination
  • Supporting challenges
  • Supporting something not attempted for some time
  • Assessing previous successes/failures
  • Preventing blocks to success
  • Reviewing decision making


  • Making better use of time
  • Creating networks around an area of interest
  • Finding and attending social activities


  • Planning a trip/event and developing planning skills
  • Looking for work/volunteering
  • Finding courses
  • Learning a new skill
  • Changing habits
  • Becoming more creative and generating ideas
  • Healthy eating
  • Managing money

Case Studies

Example 1

  • Resident attends counselling and identifies isolation as contributing to their anxiety.
  • Isolation contributes to a lack of confidence and a social network.
  • 1-2-1 support identifies areas of interest.
  • Support given to locate network covering areas of interest.
  • Resident attends group/event of interest.
  • Resident builds relationship with others who attend through the shared
  • Resident more likely to attend again if encouraged by others.
    • Resident becomes less isolated through attendance of something they enjoy.
    • 1-2-1 support to support early attendance and continued attendance.



Example 2

  • Resident identifies volunteering as something they would like to do but this would be a big change for them.
  • 1-2-1 support identifies barriers to change.
  • Possible referral to counselling.
  • Identify a need to form a focus for the work.
  • Plan what needs to happen to volunteer and when this should be.
  • 1-2-1 support until settled.

The day to day work of Wytham Hall is performed by only 4 people and this is only possible through the contribution of a number of our residents. The necessity of their contribution should never be underestimated. Often this is seen through the support and encouragement they offer each other, but it is also through their willingness to perform such tasks as remaining at home to receive a delivery on our behalf, or to enable such as an electrician to access a building, thus freeing up the staff team to carry out other tasks.

Sometimes the most successful outcomes for our residents are achieved organically with no planned intervention from staff. The positive impact of the ex-residents’ return visits upon our current residents’ optimism about life beyond Wytham Hall, is not something we could buy and/or achieve without them.

Oftentimes the impact is a little more nebulous, but no less significant for all that. Two residents have met with our 1-2-1 support worker weekly to find the courage and motivation to take on new challenges. One of them organised a quiz to which all were invited. This generated one of the most pleasant afternoons we have had for some time. It allowed residents to be amongst a group whilst contributing as much, or as little, as they felt comfortable with.