Wytham Hall offers residents access to the AQA unit Award Scheme.

The scheme is a ‘can do’ accreditation scheme for recognising learning and success. It rewards participants for personal progress and achievements which are often not recognised by more formal qualifications. The scheme can be used by people of all ages and abilities and covers many subject areas and activities. As an on-demand scheme, resident’s complete units and receive certificates throughout the year.


The scheme helps residents find a purpose, develop social networks and skills, and learn skills that they need to access education, work, and independent living. Units cover a wide range of topics and are chosen based on the resident’s need. Most units will be delivered one-to-one but can also be delivered as part of a group.

Each unit clearly sets out what the resident is to learn, the outcomes which must be demonstrated in successfully completing the unit, the evidence the resident must produce to demonstrate the outcomes, and how assessment will be made and recorded.

When a resident successfully completes a unit, they are issued with a Unit Award Statement. The Unit Award Statement, in addition to the student’s personal details and the title of the unit, specifically states the outcomes the student has demonstrated in successfully completing the unit. Thus, anyone reading the Unit Award Statement, can see exactly what skills and abilities the resident has demonstrated.

The Unit Award Scheme offers a number of benefits to residents:

  • the outcomes of the unit provide clear, short term goals;
  • regular feedback is given on progress;
  • residents who may not otherwise receive external recognition of their achievements have the opportunity to receive formal, external certification of their successful completion of units;
  • increased motivation is reflected in levels of achievement;
  • offers a simple and effective means to plan and structure learning, offering clear objectives, processes and outcomes;
  • is a means of indicating progression;
  • provides external certification of a wide range of activities and areas of experience not covered by more traditional methods of certification;
  • helps residents achieve more effectively through sharing in the objectives and targets;
  • can be done in conjunction with their peers in workshops;

provides evidence of success while in supported housing.


Resident Participation

AQA Units can be completed 1-2-1, as will be the majority of cases as each person will have different learning needs; or if appropriate, in a group. Some groups lend themselves very well to AQA units such as a problem-solving skills group where each person has the same learning need, but others do not.

Many of the group activities are activities where the emphasis is on social interaction. Many residents find they can become isolated so activities such as art groups, coffee gatherings, cooking skills groups, quizzes, and trips, can be of great benefit. The benefits include getting to know other people, developing communication and social skills, improving confidence, maintaining focus, and encouragement through others.

The emphasis on promoting normality cannot be underestimated. Living for a period of time that is away from the hustle and bustle of a homeless life and in an environment that more closely reflects normal life, is one of the best ways for residents to develop good life skills.