Mental Health Support

At Wytham Hall we recognise the impact that mental health issues can have upon our residents and the thoughts and feelings that can stop them from getting on with their lives.

Wytham Hall feels very different to the usual hustle and bustle of a hostel and can feel far more like an everyday home.


The emphasis is placed on the residents, with support, to manage their own time. This places residents in a position where they are more likely to have time to think about their past and their lives and as a consequence, become consumed by it.

Essentially, our residents often discover that without the day to day practical struggles of homelessness to provide a distraction, thoughts and feelings about their past are harder to supress.

In order to support our residents to help them deal with a mental health issue, we have employed a counsellor to provide regular or ad hoc support. Often residents do not feel comfortable to go into a ‘homeless’ environment to see a counsellor, so having access to one in-house is often invaluable.