Please note that the current charge is £9.02 which is payable 2 weeks in advance. This can be paid in cash via one of the staff members or bank transfer (please see a member of staff for our banking details).
If you receive income over and above your benefits, e.g. you receive a salary, then you may have to pay more. Please speak to a member of staff for more information.
If you wish to receive support regarding a benefit application or help to manage your finances, then please speak to your key worker.
We would appreciate your support by helping to keep the communal areas clean and tidy. This means cleaning up after yourself and by speaking to other residents regarding an agreement about who will do what task each week.
To aid this process a member of staff and the cleaner, will ask you to attend a regular meeting to discuss how things are going and how you can help us.
We have available a number of computers at Wytham Hall, which you will be able to gain access to during office hours.
Please contact the staff team to find out when the computers will be available.