The service is for men or women over the age of 18 in need of and accepting of support. Residents must be capable of independent living and be prepared to engage with support (whether this support is provided internally or externally).
Residents must be willing to commit to not using drugs or alcohol either on, or off, the premises at any time during their stay. Residents are typically required to have been clear of alcohol and drugs for at least three months prior to referral. Typically, residents will be CHAIN verified rough sleepers and eligible for housing benefit.
Residents are required to live in a semi-independent manner which helps them to prepare for move on and independent living. They are required to do their own cleaning and to carry out their share of the communal tasks within the properties, which promotes good relationships with those they live with.
The best outcomes are achieved via engagement with, and the acceptance of, support and attendance at key work sessions. Residents are expected to meet with their key worker on a monthly basis (weekly during the first month). Residents are encouraged to be responsible for their own development and working towards move-on and support is given by staff to facilitate this.
Residents are encouraged to respect other residents and staff and are empowered to be responsible for their own health and safety and that of those around them. Residents are encouraged to socialise but are responsible for their visitors and their behaviour at all times.
Referral Process:
Supporting People require that referrals are assessed by them prior to submitting to Wytham Hall. Wytham Hall do not accept direct referral’s and as such should someone wish to be referred, we would advise they make contact with one of the large homeless charities (or Great Chapel Street Medical Centre) to seek their support and a possible referral.
If, prior to referral, a client thinks they would benefit from an informal visit we are happy to arrange this, indeed we insist on this. This would involve an opportunity to meet our staff along with gaining a clearer idea of what we have to offer. We find those that attend an informal visit are possibly less nervous when it comes to the assessment which allows them to give a more accurate portrayal of themselves.
Following the receipt of a referral the referrer may be contacted to discuss its suitability. This may include a request for further information or clarification of details provided. If the decision is taken to proceed an assessment will be arranged.
The assessments are typically carried out at Wytham Hall itself. A decision on the outcome of the assessment will be provided as soon as we are able. Following assessment, the potential resident will be provided with the expected timescale for a decision. N.B. Such decisions are open to appeal. If the decision is to reject a referral reasons will always be given.
If someone is accepted but there are no rooms available at the time, the potential resident will be added to a waiting list and kept informed of a likely move in date.
Wytham Hall would like to stress the importance of potential residents being as informed as possible as to the nature of Wytham Hall prior to attending an assessment. If a support worker would like to visit Wytham Hall to gain a better understanding of the project, then please do not hesitate to get in contact.